Surgical Procedures
Providing high-quality surgical care in a stress-free and relaxing environment.
Pittsburgh Spay & Vaccination Clinic, our surgeons can perform a wide variety of soft tissue surgeries, from routine spays and neuters for dogs, cats, rabbits, ferrets, and small mammals to extensive tumor resections, and complex gastrointestinal, and delicate urinary tract surgeries. Cancer surgeries of all types are commonly performed by Dr. Wiles, a member of the Veterinary Cancer Society. Oral, dental, and facial surgeries, as well as procedures involving the eyes and lids, are commonly performed. Minor orthopedics are performed, but major orthopedic and spinal procedures are referred to local veterinary surgical specialists.
Find more information about the surgical procedures we offer below:

Surgical Information
Details of how your pets day will go.
Spay & Neuter Procedures
Help your pet live a long, healthy life.
Advanced Soft Tissue Surgery
Surgery on eyes, ears, and other soft tissue areas.