Senior Pet Care
How your pet's needs change.
Advances in veterinary medicine have made it possible for pets of all kinds to live long, healthy lives. However, when they become seniors, they require extra attention and medical care which is why it’s important to understand how their needs change as they age.
We have a special fondness for our geriatric patients who can benefit greatly from a thorough examination twice yearly, and often some diagnostic testing of blood and urine, radiographs when indicated, blood pressure testing, and a tender touch. These pets who are living 3-4 years longer today, on average, require a thorough dental evaluation since dental disease in elderly pets is a major contributor to a diminished quality of life. Joint pain and neurologic disease, especially osteoarthritis can lead to difficulties rising and walking, and secondary problems such as urinary accidents, falls down stairs, and pressure sores on the skin. We have new medications that enable us to alleviate joint pain, even in the face of a pet’s gradually deteriorating organ function, allowing them to rejoin family activities.
Luckily, many age-related health conditions can be prevented or managed via medication and/or treatment. Our goal is to keep your pet happy and healthy well into their golden years and we can do that by addressing their needs on an individual basis.
If you have questions about how often we should see your elderly pet or you’d like to schedule an appointment, please call us at (412) 798-8770.